Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Anna Kournikova Without Make up

Anna Kournikova without makeup
Celebrities without makeup - Anna Kournikova

Here is a before and after picture of celebrity Anna Kournikova. One pic with makeup on and the other without makeup.

In the first picture Anna looks a bit sad, but still she's a natural beauty. She has cute little plump pink lips, nice nose, beautiful eyes (though a bit sad looking), and a nicely shaped head. Her ears look a bit odd, but doesn't take a way from her beauty.

Oddly, Anna Kournikova is one of very few celebrities who looks best without makeup or maybe it's that her makeup artist isn't the greatest...

The lipstick is a bit too dark, mascara is a bit too thick, and those lines in her cheeks look like arrows or greater than, less than signs. Where's photoshop when you need it?

How does Anna look to you? Which picture looks the best - with makeup or no makeup?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Jennifer Hudson Without Make up

Jennifer Hudson withoutmakeup
Celebrities without makeup - Jennifer Hudson

There's a popular black saying that goes "Black don't crack."

Well, can someone please explain to me what happened to the young Jennifer Hudson?

In this picture of Jennifer Hudson - her eyes are okay,  nose looks okay even though a bit large and odd shaped towards the bottom, smile isn't photogenic, lips are big (some perv men will love them), but what HAPPENED to those teeth?

Hopefully, with her money she has a great dentist and dental plan to get some work done on those two front teeth.

Skin isn't so clear, but it'll pass...

What are your thoughts on Jen Hud without makeup? Did she forget that she is now a celebrity in front of the camera, that she is no longer a Chicago hoodrat? Can she come out looking like this again?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup

Have you ever wondered what Beyonce, Megan Goode, Paris Hilton, Amber Rose, Gabrielle Union, Claire Hunkstable, Madea, SHAQ hehe,Kim Kardashian and those ugly sisters of hers, and the rest of them celebrities were hiding UNDER that MAC makeup?

No Blush. No foundation. No eye shadow. Noooo...

No eyelashes and mascara. No lipstick and lip gloss.

Well soon you will find out their skin secrets in a different kind of way that might hurt your eyes, but boost your confidence at the same time.

You'll see what that bare face REALLY looks like... acne pimples and ALL!

Celebrities without makeup can be scarier than looking at your own reflection in the mirror.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Avril Lavigne Without Make up

Avril Lavigne without makeup
Celebrities without makeup - Avril Lavigne
Before and after pictures of Avril Lavigne. She looks a mess without makeup and with makeup on.

In the second picture of Avril, her lips are full and looks nice. Her eyes are cute in a scary way; it looks like celebrity Avril Lavigne can see straight through you into your soul.

Yet still, this celebrity needs a new makeup artist and  a new makeup brand (because whatever makeup brand she is wearing isn't working)!

It looks like cheap makeup that she bought from Sally's beauty supply or some off brand makeup online...

What are your thoughts on Avril? Do you like her lips, eyes, nose, chin -- is there ANYTHING you find attractive about her or does she need a plastic surgeon ASAP?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - America Farrera Without Make up

America Farrera without makeup
Celebrities without makeup - America Farrera

America Farrera without any makeup on. She looks like she was caught off guard for this pic, but still kinda cute, even in her bare skin and undone hair.

America Farrera is one celebrity who can get by without putting her face on for the camera. She has beautiful pink lips, cute pudgy little nose, naturally arched eyebrows -- her face shape isn't the best but it will do.

She's somewhat of a natural beauty. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Alicia Silverstone Without Make up

Alicia Silverstone without makeup
Celebrities without makeup - Alicia Silverstone

Here's a picture of Alicia Silverstone in her bare skin, without ANY makeup on that face of hers.

Is that a pimple zit I see above that left eyebrow?

How does celebrity Alicia Silverstone look to you without her professional makeup artist to airbrush her skin - without those photoshopped photos? Is she still beautiful with the mini buck teeth and acne skin?

Alicia is a little rough looking like the average woman, but not fugly. She passed our beauty test. How about yours?

See more pictures of celebrities without makeup on our homepage!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Barbara Streisand With out Makeup

Barbara Streisand Without Makeup
LMAO, look at Barbara Streisand Without Makeup on. Those blue eyes look like they wish they were pretty eyes, but looking a little rough.

Barbara is one celebrity who could use a nose job... that's a pretty wide nose she got with tiny nostrils.

But at least Barbara Streisand teeth are okay, not pretty teeth but good enough not to be in desperate need of a dentist for a dental job.

Hair, my gosh Barbara, it gets worst than being one of the stars without makeup - you need much more than a professional makeup artist - you need a complete celebrity makeover sweetie. With that stringy looking hair, a hairstylist could do you great justice.

Somebody call up your gay male friend REALLY QUICK to get Barbara the BEAUTY help she desperately needs!

Am I just a celebrity hater or do you agree with my thoughts on Barbara Streisand beauty?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Celebrities WITHOUT Makeup - Beyonce With out Makeup

Look at Beyonce without her makeup on. Everyone says Beyonce is a natural beauty, she was even voted as the most beautiful woman and received the title of being so... PLEASE, Beyonce is averaging looking when she's not wearing makeup and with her cheap makeup on, nothing special!

There's a part of me that wants to say Beyonce can afford to go with out her makeup, but the truth within me is SCREAMING, "LIAR, she needs her makeup artists just as much as the next celebrity!"         

You can't say much negative about Beyonce's eyes, she is turned to the side, looking down, sort of hiding her eyes.


By Beysus turned sideways, looking downwards, it places focus on her ponochio nose. Okay, okay... lol, it's not as bad as ponochio, but it's not a pretty nose, either. Maybe Beyonce nees to go to a different nose surgeon next time she decides to get a nose job....

The red lipstick isn't working well on Beyonce's lips, not feeling it.

The earrings are way too big. Beyonce should know better than to wear those ugly earrings. Doesn't she know a hater or even a stan could walk up at anytime and pull those things and rip her ears to pieces?

Beyonce hair is back in a pony tail with blended black and brown knot at the back. Bey, you looking a hot mess honey! Go to the nearest makeup store, look for the top makeup brands, find yourself a new professional makeup artist, and you'll be good to go.

What are your thoughts on Beyonce without makeup on? Don't forget to check out the other stars without makeup by visiting the homepage.